Business’ checking and verification

One of the most important advantages offered by the online platform, concerning the secure interconnection between buyer and seller in order to avoid malicious actions, such as fraud by “ghost” businesses, is the identity check and verification for members who purchase a package from Diamond suppliers. The checking and verification of the registered member as a Diamond supplier is extremely important because in this way the business’ valid status is established, as well as the authorized contact person’s to the online platform B2B too. The checking usually takes 2 weeks to complete, as long as the information or the documents provided for the checking are in accordance with the official records.

Therefore, according to the above, the checking is carried out on whether your business is legally registered or is operating normally. The checking will be completed in the following ways: through the chamber’s registration department that the business belongs to or through the pertinent tax department. 

The verification is about your business’ representative on the online platform, because he needs to be an employee of your company and authorized to represent your company for deployment on the online platform  

Requirements and Identity checking / Verification process

The most important requirement for us in order to proceed with the checking and verification process is that you have been registered and have completed the payment for one of the Allantin Diamond Supplier packages that we offer. 

If you have not completed your registration click here to check out the subscription packages. 

If you have completed your registration and paid for the subscription of one of the Allantin Diamond Supplier packages we offer, we can proceed to the Identity checking and Verification, which includes the following: 1. The verification must be fully completed and in accordance with GDPR click here, 2. In order to complete the process you should send us all the necessary documents, such as

  1. authorization license
  2. telephone bill of the last two months, on which the business’ name is written
  3. authorization for the business’ legal representative (solemn declaration).