Why should I sell via Allantin.com


The marketplace revolution is coming via Allantin.com B2B. 

Starting today you can make sales continuously, 24/7 and 365 days/year.

Manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, distributors, suppliers, traders, engineers, decorated, etc , simplify your transactions with the marketplace model Allantin.com!

The construction of a building, a residence or an office, from the foundations to the roof, from electrical to plumbing, from decoration to furnishing and from cooling to heating, offers solutions to find the right product.

  • Sell your products to a worldwide audience
  • Promote your products with sponsored ads
  • Direct contact with potential buyers
Start selling
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Simplify the purchase process

No more endless negotiations and complicated procedures.
Gather buyers’ quotes and requests from companies in a global marketplace.


Increase your visibility globally

A new distribution channel and increased visibility for your suppliers.
Boosted online visibility.
Increased audience and quality traffic.


An e-commerce experience that is perfectly suited for you.

Reduce costs and increase profit.
A great user experience, comfortable design and speedy transactions: enjoy all the benefits of B2B standards.


Reach new markets

Business without online sales can’t reach new markets.
Small and very small business can reach new groups of buyers


Above all control

Business control to avoid malicious actions.
Accredited suppliers have value.
Fully functional and secure environment with online payments.